Rottler Links

B & G Machine

Washington, USA
Located in Seattle, B&G Machine has been dedicated to servicing the industrial and machine markets since 1953.

Diesel Engine Exchange

Springfield, Missouri, USA
"Machine Shop of the Year 2001"

Hartmann Bros

Texas, USA
The purpose of this corporation is to remanufacture engine, pump and compressor parts and sell new parts.

Kramer, Ltd.

Saskatchewan, Canada
Located in the main service area of Kramer's Regina facility, the Machine Shop offers spray welding, portable line boring, engine block counter boring, lapping capability of pump parts and engine block refurbishing.

Manitowoc Motor Machining & Parts, Inc.

Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
We are a fully equipped machine shop that will do anything from crankshafts to cylinder heads to custom machine work.

Memorial Machine

Oklahoma, USA
Memorial Machine is a Tulsa, Okalhoma based rebuilder of Natural Gas and Diesel engine components.

Moores Industrial

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Republic Diesel

Kentucky, USA
We provide complete diesel engine machining services and an exclusive line of truck parts for automotive, light truck, 4x4, on and off highway and industrial equipment. Contact us today, we are here to help.

Terrill Motor Machine

Florida, USA
We specialize in Commercial, Agricultural, Transportation and Marine engines.

TRAC Engine Services, Ltd.

Alberta, Canada
Since 1969, TRAC Engine Services Ltd. has been providing engine machining, engine rebuilding and engine repair services to customers involved with diesel and natural gas engines, as well as the industrial and agricultural sectors in Western Canada.